The United Kingdom and the use of ibogaine 2023

Why Brits Are Flocking To Portugal Instead of Accessing UK Addiction Treatment

Tackling the drug problem in the UK and Portugal

Around 3 million individuals use drugs in England, and there are now more drug fatalities than ever before—nearly 3,000 every year. Deaths from cocaine and heroin overdoses have increased fivefold and more than doubled, respectively, in the past ten years. Scotland is now the capital of European drug deaths, making the situation there much worse.

The UK government tackles drugs as a criminal justice matter focused on punishment, rather than a public health matter focused on support. But many countries are taking a different approach, most famously Portugal which in 2000 decriminalized all drugs and concentrated instead on public health and harm reduction. The result? From one of the highest drug death rates in Europe to one of the lowest.

Why Portugal

Ibogaine has been made legal in the Uk and as a result, it is easy for addicts to turn toward ibogaine to help them overcome their dependency on addictive substances such as cocaine, meth, alcohol, cigarette, etc. due to the legality of ibogaine in the UK, many ibogaine clinics have emerged to assist addicts in their journey towards a substance abuse free life.

Other clinics searching for volunteers for groundbreaking research to combat UK’s growing opioid addiction crisis. Such clinics will include leading clinical trials company MAC clinical research who is currently recruiting volunteers who have taken opioids for pleasure rather than pain relief. Another clinic is DemeRx. They say their clinical trial is a milestone for patients who want to break free from drugs.

Atai Life Sciences is another rehab clinic in the UK that got cleared by the UK medicines and healthcare product regulatory agency (MHRA) to start with phase I /II trials of ibogaine HCL (DMX-1002) in the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD). Nowadays, ibogaine is actively and widely used in medicine, mainly to treat withdrawal symptoms against the background of drug withdrawal.

The Iboga plant

Iboga can also be used as a strong stimulant. If used in small doses (Micro dosing), it relieves fatigue and adds energy and vitality to the body. High doses provide the maximum restorative, psychostabilizing, and spiritual effects while causing no addiction to the drug.

Before any form of therapy or detox for drug addiction is commenced, a suitable healthcare professional will complete a full clinical assessment of the patient. This will include a full medical history, enabling practitioners to quickly identify people for whom Ibogaine may not be the most appropriate choice. When Ibogaine is administered, it is almost without exception first taken in a clinical setting, under professional supervision.

This enables a person’s reaction to the ibogaine drug to be closely monitored. If any problems develop, a clinic normally has the resources to provide suitable treatment. This is why, when taken under clinical supervision, Ibogaine can be a useful drug as part of a detox or drug addiction therapy


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